Unity & Microsoft Teams Presence Monitoring

Are your customers frustrated with receiving calls when
they are on Microsoft Teams calls?

Has customer service taken a hit because of a disconnect between the voice and collab platforms?

Providing a professional call handling experience for incoming callers is tough when you’re flying blind. If the front-desk Reception team have no idea of the actual real-time availability of their colleagues how can they be effective?

Combined Presence Monitoring Across Unity UC Solutions and Microsoft Teams

Gain full visibility and monitor presence in real-time across BroadSoft and Microsoft Teams customer environments with Unity Teams Presence Monitoring. A blended experience that provides a seamless and unified presence solution, allowing users to see the both the BroadSoft engaged/free availability and Microsoft Teams activity status of colleagues from within a single unified platform.

Suitable for both Unity Reception users, who can avoid transferring calls to users on Microsoft Teams calls, as well as entire UC estates, Unity Teams Presence Monitoring enhances the offering of providers by enabling access to an interconnected blended user experience across the Microsoft Teams and BroadSoft platforms.


Combined Available/Engaged Status

Allows users to see a monitored colleagues combined BroadSoft and Microsoft Teams hook state, providing full visibility on their availability and current status.

Combined Presence

Graphically displays a user’s presence status in Microsoft Teams, including Office, On a Teams Call, Busy, DND and Be right back.

Office365 Calendar Sync

Reception Users can see a colleagues Calendar events live as calls are delivered, or open a full seven days upcoming Calendar to provide the best service to incoming callers.

Choose Presence Icon Priority

Discover more about our Unity Web App – Unity For Teams

To discover more about Unity Teams Presence Integration, see our Teams Monitoring in Unity User Guide

See Unity Teams Presence Monitoring in action

Complete the form to request a demo of Unity Teams Presence Monitoring with our product specialists.

    BroadSoft Service ProviderEnd User Customer or Reseller