Bring Unity to BroadSoft
Call Centers are the beating heart of customer communications and relations. Built within the BroadSoft architecture, the Unity application range provides cloud-based solutions that enhance all call center capabilities. With a broad range of modular and co-existing variants, Unity improves the operational efficiency of call centers, whilst bringing sweeping quality of life enhancements for call center teams and their customers.
Full BroadSoft Integration
Designed to work with BroadSoft Standard and premium call center services, Unity supports all available features including inbound and outbound DNIS, ACD and Disposition codes. Supervisors have full visibility and control of their agents with configurable thresholds to alert them of potential problems.

Applications Built to be Understood
Unity applications are fundamentally designed to facilitate genuine human–to–human connection through exceptional customer experiences. To ensure that this objective is met, Unity applications are built to be understood, and to provide a seamless, comfortable experience for users whilst equipping them with intelligent, easy to approach toolkits.
Commitment to Growth
The best software should grow inherently as a business does. By developing Unity applications to be cloud–based, easy-to-provision and with simple onboarding, there is potential for infinite scalability without bottlenecks. This makes Unity applications the perfect option for supporting and taking a leading role in assisting growth.

Call Center Variants and Solutions
Unity Agent
Maximize the agent experience.
Unity Agent provides essential call handling, statistics, disposition codes and ACD control tools for agents and customer service teams.
Unity Supervisor
Total Call Center Management
Elevate the management and monitoring potential of supervisors and customer service team leaders with Unity Supervisor. A powerful management and reporting console, Unity Supervisor provides invaluable live queue information along with agent management tools and BroadSoft reporting.
Deep analytics for BroadSoft Call Centers
An intelligent analytics platform, offering real-time and historical data of a call center. A powerful replacement for legacy ECCR reporting.
Unity Contact Center Client
For the BroadSoft Cisco© Platform
Unity Contact Center is an overlay for the BroadSoft ACD call center that will support Web Chat, Web Call-Back, Email and Twitter queues. All media types are blended for the user, allowing them to multi-task different incoming customer traffic.
Keep My Place in Queue (KMPIQ)
Keeps hold of customers by keeping them off hold
Intuitive virtual queueing software enabling inbound callers to request a call back, when they reach the front of the queue
Unity Dashboard
Displays key call handling metrics in real-time
Visualize operations and encourage gamification with Unity Dashboard. A centralized, wall mount display offers a complete overview of call center operations, with tabular and graphical views.